More Local Content UTV Soon

Tweneboa Kodua, UTV Morning Show Host

United Television (UTV) will be introducing more local contents on its network next year to help promote the country’s creative industry and boost the income of the industry players.

According to the station’s management, introducing more local content would create more jobs for the youth and players in the local movie industry.

It explained that they are in talks with its content producers to provide more entertaining and educative local content for the network.

The management added that its decision to introduce more local contents on UTV will not only  yield an increased audience share, but will further contribute to the viewers  being proud of UTV’s quality local content.

“We have been working behind the scenes to bring viewers the best of entertainment on UTV. The new local entertaining programmes to be introduced next year are meant to bring new excitement into the lives of the station’s viewers,’’ a source close to management told BEATWAVES.

He urged television viewers to stay tuned as the station gears up to bring them even more exciting developments next year.