Flog Public Officers Who Loot State Coffers Publicly – Methodist Minister

Rev Solomon Bruce

Superintendent Minister of Atonsu-Agogo Circuit of Methodist Church is prescribing  flogging for people who are found to waste state resources and cannot pay.

Rev Solomon Bruce  describes  live telecast of cases involving graft by public official’s amounts to waste of human and other state resources.

According to him, it rather  encourages nation-wreckers to perpetrate crime against the state, knowing well they will face no sanctions.

He want soldiers from the 64 Infantry Battalion given additional work by giving 24-strokes of lashes to public officials who loot state coffers.

Reverend Solomon Bruce  who is advocating prosecutorial powers to the Auditor-General to deal with nation looters says such a punishment will deter more people  from engaging in the act.

At a worship session, dubbed Miracle Jesus Crusade at Atonsu-Agogo over the weekend,  Rev Bruce revealed it is time to punish all those who milk  state coffers dry.

