My Motion Will Put AMERI Issues To Rest – KT Hammond

KT Hammond

KT Hammond, the Member of Parliament for Adansi Asokwa has said the decision on his motion for rescission of the 2015 AMERI deal would put to rest all disagreements over the deal.

This follows media reports of a document purportedly from the Attorney-General warning the Ministry of Energy not to terminate the deal for fear of judgment debt.

The Minority, on the other hand, believe this is a vindication of their long-held stance that there was nothing untoward with the 510 million dollar AMERI deal.

KT Hammond’s motion for the rescission of the deal is still on the table of the Mines and Energy Committee of Parliament months after the committee took up the matter.

KT Hammond indicated to Citi News that the AMERI deal amounts to a gross misrepresentation which is enough bases in law for it to be terminated.

“It is by some chance or coincides that we got those document. I got them, and I presented them to the house to contrast to the information, we originally had on the basis of which I argued that there has been a misrepresentation and of course misrepresentation in law leads to termination,” he said.

In 2015,UAE-based Ameri Group LLC, in a statement denied engaging in a dubious deal with the government of Ghana, about power plants it procured for the country to solve its energy crisis.

The story said Ghana is paying $510 million for ten power turbines when the market value of the turbines is $220 million.

Former Head of Communications for the Ministry of Petroleum, Edward Bawa, rejected the accusations that the erstwhile government paid $150 million extra in the AMERI power plant deal.

According to him, the payment was a sound investment decision by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) government in a bid to end the chronic energy crisis during that time.

A committee constituted by the Energy Minister to review the AMERI deal signed by the former government revealed in a report that the contract was overpriced by about $150 million.

The committee advised the government to re-negotiate or abrogate the contract on the grounds of fraud.

This is after it emerged that Ghana paid an extra  150 million dollars as commission to Africa & Middle East Resources Investment Group LLC (Ameri Energy) for the construction of the power plant.

