Essikado-Ketan Residents Snub NDC’s Parliamentary Candidate

Residents of the Essikado-Ketan Constituency in the Western Region, have literally snubbed the Parliamentary Candidate of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah.

After months talking on various media platforms the moment of truth came when Grace Ayensu Danquah, took to the streets of Essikado-Ketan on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 after she had filled her forms with the Electoral Commission. but ir was a sad spectacle to behold. No crowd nor even a handful of residents to cheer her.

She took to the streets with a number of cars, sound systems playing music loudly, and a handful of her aides after she filed her nomination forms for the December 7, 2020 parliamentary race.

Not even the sound of music being played in their cars could draw the attention of young people walking along the principal street called Location Road.

Residents were seen unconcerned as Dr. Ayensu Danquah hanged dangerous on her vehicle waving to the air and kiosks, stores along the streets.

The NDC Parliamentary Candidate and her team were virtually seen cheering themselves up as no Constituent appeared to express interest in their campaign activity.

The entire scene was nothing but a perfect spectacle of embarrassment for the NDC Parliamentary Candidate, considering how she has in recent weeks projected herself as the candidate the people of Essikado-Ketan are waiting fervently to vote for come December 7, 2020.

What happened on Wednesday clearly demonstrates that beyond the talking Grace Ayensu Danquah is not the candidate likely to win the election in December, as it has been revealed she is not at all popular in the constituency.
