Physically Challenged Farmer Gets Support After Daily Guide’s Report

Madam Tanjo Laar, 40 , a physically challenged farmer and a mother of four , has received massive support after Daily Guide Network (DGN) reported about her ordeal.

Since the report, she has received support from individuals, and groups to assist her take care of her children and her farming activities as well.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Nation Builder’s Corps (NaBCo) Dr Ibrahim Anyars, after reading the story of Madam Tanjo Laar, felt touched and bought a tricycle to aid her movements by transporting her farm produce from the farm to the market and back to the house.

Some other items presented included bags of rice, cooking oil, assorted drinks , clothes among others.

A cash donation was also made to the physically challenged farmer to start a business to take care of her children until the next farming season starts.

Wumpini Agro Chemicals Limited in Tamale has pledged to support her with farm inputs and any other assistance she may need in the next farming season.

The Daniel Ofori Awuku Foundation , ICGC Prayer Temple north legon assembly Accra, Ghana also donated two wheelchairs to some physically challenged persons in the community.

Pastor Daniel Ofori Awuku said the donation was part of his humanitarian support to the needy in society.

“for the past 8 years we give support to the needy and less privileged and It’s our prayer that God will continue to open more doors so that we can continue to support others in need.”

After receiving the items , Madam Tanjo Laar, with tears of enjoy thanked Daily Guide Network for projecting her which has resulted in the massive support she has received.

“ I never expected to receive this kind of support in my life I have never received this especially the tricycle, I remember I asked of the price and it was expensive so I never dreamt owing one for myself , I want to say thank you to the journalist and all those who supported that God will bless you in all you do , I am physically challenged and movement is a problem to me and for you to support me this way I am grateful you all.”

She said the tricycle will aid her in transporting her farm produce to the market, fetch water and other activities that she could not do due to her condition.

Some persons living with disability rely on begging for financial support on the streets to survive but Madam Laar,m cultivates 3 acres of maize at Dukluatuk in the NaKpanduri-Bunkpurugu district of the North East Region to support herself.

Even though paralyzed in the leg, she craws and sometimes walks with the help of the crutches to perform her farming activities.

“Because of my condition and age I easily get tired so I’m compelled to craw on the floor to continue with the farming activities.”

Madam Laar said some of the produce from the farm were sent to the Nakpanduri market to sell for the upkeep of the family.

“Sometimes I make GH¢10 when I send the product to the market, life is really difficult for us here especially with the education of the children, some time ago my children had assistance from a group due to my condition but we don’t receive that help anymore for some time now so it’s really difficult for us financially to send them to good schools and provide learning materials for them.”

Until the arrival of the tricycle , she had difficulty in moving to the market with her farm produce.

“ I spend money to transport my produce to the market and sometimes moving from one community to the other is really expensive so if I get the tricycle it will help me with transporting my produce to the market instead of paying for transportation.”

FROM Eric Kombat, Nakpanduri
