Oti Region Benefits From Girls-in-ICT (SHS) Program

Over 500 students drawn from various Senior High Schools (SHS’s) across the Oti region have benefited from a week-long training in Information and Communication Technology as well as career mentorship in the IT industry

All girls in the Oti region are expected to benefit from the Cyber security and Data Privacy training organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Communication and Digitalisation in collaboration with Huawei Ghana; MoE and the GES.

The Girls-in-ICT Program is an initiative of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) aimed at encouraging young girls to take up career courses in ICT.
Girls in ICT; Accessing ICT Safely.

A Huawei Instructor who is also a lecturer at the University of Ghana, Legon, Julius Yaw Ludu took the children through an interactive session.

He exposed the students on cybersecurity, information security and Data privacy.

Mr. Ludu further enlightened the students on the top 10 common cybersecurity threats they are often exposed to on the internet; these include but not limited to the following; Malware attack, phishing, password attacks, Man-in-the-middle attacks, Distributed Denial-of-service attacks, Drive-by-download attack, Malvertising, Rogue software attack and Business Email Compromise attack.

The Students were also given the opportunity to ask questions on how to be safe on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram and tiktok as they were educated on two major steps which include two-factor verification and controlling devices linked to their accounts.

On August 15, 2022, students from Kyabobo Girls; Nkwanta SHS and Kpassa Senior High Technical School (SHTS) opened the training.

The subsequent day, August 16, 2022, the officials crossed the Oti River to Krachi SHS to take students from Krachi SHS and the Kete-Krachi SHTS through the program.

Students from Nsukawkwa SHS; Yabram Community Day SHS and Oti SHTS benefited from the training and later in the afternoon, ladies from Nkonya SHS, Bowiri SHTS; Tapaman; Wurawura; Biakoye Community took their turn.

On August 18, 2022, students from Kadjebi Asato SHS; Dodi Papasi SHTS; Ahamanso Islamic SHS were next participants in the training in the morning whiles, other from Bueman SHS; Okadjakrom and Baglo Ridge SHTS benefited later in the afternoon.

It was followed by the training of students of Likpe and Akpafu SHS.

The topic for the Girls-in-ICT Program is Cyber Security and Data Privacy. It is aimed at empowering young girls to stay safe on the cyber space.

By Vincent Kubi
