A Leader Has The Ability To Recognize The People God Sends To Him

God sends people to us to meet our different needs. A leader ought to understand how God provides in this way, so that he does not drive away the people God has sent to him. That would be a mistake! You must go further and develop all the provisions that God has made for you. May you not miss anyone God has sent to be a blessing to you!

…you did not recognize the time of your visitation. Luke 19:44 (NASB)

  1. A leader recognizes blessed people who have been sent into his life. And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that THE LORD HATH BLESSED ME FOR THY SAKE.

Genesis 30:27

God may choose to provide for you through your association with a blessed person. Laban, the uncle of Jacob, recognized that he had become prosperous because of the presence of Jacob. He recognized it and he said it plainly. Indeed, you may not come into wealth through your job, your education, your skills or degrees but rather through your association with someone.

This is one of the greatest principles of prosperity. God often gives one person a very large gift and expects a lot of people to benefit from that gift. God gives wealth to one person and expects a lot of others to enjoy themselves in the shadow of that wealth.

In the same way, God does not give visions and dreams to everyone. He gives great visions and dreams to one person and expects the others to live under its effect. Mary Magdalene is the one who was privileged to have a life-like vision of Jesus at the tomb. Even Peter, James and John did not have that vision. You and I did not have that vision and yet we all benefit from it.

God does not give everybody the same gift. Be humble and associate with blessed people so that you may at least receive a few drops of blessing into your life.

  1. A leader recognizes poor people whom God has sent into his life.

Many of us rule out poor people as a source of blessing. We assume that prosperity and financial help will only come from the rich, wealthy and famous. However, God sometimes uses poor people to prosper others. Elijah was sustained by a starving widow. God used a starving widow to keep Elijah alive during the famine.

Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow there to sustain thee.

1 Kings 17:9

Banks are made rich by the little contributions of many poor people. Insurance companies are propped up by the meagre subscriptions of the masses. Many pastors are sustained by the contributions of their numerous, but poor members. Many politicians win elections because of the votes of the poor people.

These examples show you that people can and do become prosperous through the help of poor people. Also, a poor man can become rich overnight. Perhaps, this is why the Scripture teaches us to give respect to all men.

…to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, SHOWING ALL HUMILITY TO ALL MEN. Titus 3:2-3, NKJV

  1. A leader recognizes fathers that have been sent into his life.

It is important to recognize the fathers that God has sent into your life. If you fail to recognize these fathers you will not join the right family. The wealth and the anointing that is intended for your family will then be lost.

Wealth is passed down from generation to generation. It is important to recognize that the greatest indirect gift of prosperity that may come to you from your father is an education. Even the suggestion to go to school and the advice of what to study in school are sources of prosperity. Not all fathers have the ability to leave their children direct wealth and property. However, in some cases, God does put wealth directly in your hand through your father. Be open to receive prosperity through your father. Notice how Abraham’s wealth came into the hands of Isaac.

And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country.

Genesis 25:5-6

God can even send the friends of your father as a source of blessing to you. That is why you must not remove the ancient landmarks. That is why you must not break important family relationships. If you despise your father and his friendships, you may cut yourself off from potential sources of wealth and wisdom. Solomon wisely related with his father’s friends. King David, Solomon’s father had a good friend called Hiram, the king of Tyre. Solomon maintained a good relationship with Hiram and benefited greatly from his father’s friend.


By Dag Heward-Mills
