A Season Of Intemperate Languages And Insults



When a lion is passing under a tree and monkeys stay on top of the tree and laugh at the King of the forest, it keeps moving on. It doesn’t care because the monkeys don’t matter to him. The lion will tell itself, “If you have balls between your thighs, come down and laugh.”

Ever since upstarts like Kelvin Taylor, Ohene David, Twene Jonas and other ignoramuses who stay outside the country started making their ugly noises, I decided to close my ears anytime I hear them making their infantile comments.  My Intelligence Quotient is higher than these guys who are yet to grow feathers that could make them fly at dawn.  If they try, the dew of dawn will soak their feathers, thereby, disabling them to fly.

Their standards as far as politics in Ghana is concerned are pretty low.  If that is what they have under their armpit to offer Ghanaians, then their best is not good enough for level headed Ghanaians. The typical Ghanaian abhors insults and intemperate languages.  That is why anytime a boy misbehaves in public by insulting an elderly person those around are quick to say such a boy did not get “home training” (Yan tete no fie yie).

As for those braggarts who live with us in Ghana and continue to insult everybody, including our revered chiefs, the President and respectable ladies and gentlemen, I have a message for them.  They should look for me and look at my teeth.  I can bite but society has tamed me. But that is not to say they will have the leeway to play the fool.

There is this Johnny Just Come (JJC) who calls himself Okatakyie Afrifa Mensah who was so reckless to sit before the camera and say our military is the most useless institution in the country.  Really? And he is still walking tall, thinking the sun will never set again in his lifetime.  As for the Professor Emeritus of insults called Captain Smart who just completed Apam SHS in 1990, he was bold enough to tell Ghanaians that anyone who will vote for Dr. Bawumia and Napo, are mad, fickle-minded, don’t have conscience and fools.

It stands to reason that if former President Kufuor, the Asantehene, Prophet Duncan-Williams, Archbishop Palmer Buckle, the Okyehene, Ya Na, Freddy Blay and other prominent Ghanaians vote for Dr. Bawumia, they are fools, and mad. In fact, the guy is telling us that if even two million Ghanaians vote for Dr. Bawumia, we have two million foolish and mad Ghanaians walking the streets of Ghana. And he continues to swagger as if every dog has not got its day. Sadly, my mentor and the man I love so much, Professor Yankah sits on the Board of the Onua TV where this rogue and half-baked journalist works.

The problem the NDC people have  is that, they have refused to learn from history.  At the peak of the 2016 electioneering campaign, the NDC established the Montie FM and planted three “wee” smoking guys with a defined assignment.  The three guys: Ako Gunn, Salifu Maase, alias Mugabe from Kumasi Mossi Zongo and Alistair Nelson, went on the rampage. Every day, they had no other programme but to insult Candidate Akufo-Addo and push him down the gutter. They used unprintable words against the gentleman who commanded respect worldwide.  Candidate Akufo-Addo kept silent in the face of all the insults. After all, did the sages not say silence is golden?

The well-meaning people of Ghana asked, “What has the old man done to these small boys for them to take him to the cleaners the way they are doing?”  The more the Montie 3 continued their tangent, the more people moved in sympathy with Candidate Akufo-Addo. The NDC, particularly then President Mahama, was happy when the Montie 3 kept their onslaught on Nana Addo. He thought the message of the Montie 3 was sinking in and so paid more cash and other goodies to the three wayward guys to keep the fire burning. NDC Constituency Executives in my constituency paid information centres to always tune in to Montie FM anytime the trio came on air.  They did not know they were digging their own grave.

As time rolled by, the notorious three, took their buffoonery to the doorsteps of the Supreme Court of Ghana, with Ako Gunn and Alistair threatening to rape the then Chief Justice, Madam Theodora, and bastardised Justices of the apex court. They never knew they had crossed the red line.  They were cited for contempt and jailed for four months each.  Instead of President Mahama staying away from the court ruling, he quickly activated his presidential prerogative of mercy as stipulated in the Constitution to pardon the three drugged jailbirds.

According to the constitution, a number of persons should sign a petition to the president before he could exercise that prerogative.  Very sadly, Professor Naana Opoku Agyemang, who should have known better and a woman for that matter led the long queue of NDC supporters who were at the NDC Headquarters to sign the petition. She betrayed womanhood. The Montie 3 were released from the Nsawam Maximum prison but the albatross is still hanging on the neck of the good old professor who is now the running mate of John Mahama, and wants to become the vice president of mother Ghana if Mahama wins the 2024 presidential election.  What will she say when a young man threatens to rape her?

During one of their craziest moments, Mr. Ako Gunn shamelessly told listeners that he saw Candidate Akufo-Addo drinking Kalyppo, a locally manufactured soft drink, heavily patronised by Ghanaians, especially the youth.  He said at the age of Nana Addo, the fact that he had taken to drinking Kalyppo meant he will die soon because medical doctors had told him, Ako Gunn that old men who drank Kalyppo will not last long.

It became a big issue as sales of the product experienced a nose dive. But what Ghanaians did not know was that the Lord of Host used that irresponsible statement to punish the NDC. At the last national rally of the NPP held at the Trade Fair Centre, the Almighty God opened the sky and almost everybody at the venue was seen drinking Kalyppo. In fact, the Trade Fair national rally was the biggest that I ever witnessed since the NPP was formed. What happened at the Kasoa national rally was a child’s play. At the high platform where Mr. Kufuor, his wife, Professor Frimpong Boateng, Nana Addo,  Dr. Bawumia and their spouses as well as all the big men and women seated were seen sipping Kalyppo to the joy of everybody.

Young men and women were seen everywhere drinking Kalyppo and singing, “Nana Kalipo, Mahama Akpatashie.”  They even refused to listen to the messages delivered by speakers at the high table as they gathered in groups drinking Kalyppo and singing that song. Truckloads of Kalyppo had to be sent to the venue to satisfy the high demand of Kalyppo. Even after that rally, every NPP member, nationwide could be seen drinking Kalyppo as a campaign message. The insults of the Montie 3, coupled with the Kalyppo message contributed hugely to the disgraceful defeat of Mr. John Mahama.  You see the way God does His things?

Today the Mossi Zongo boy, Salifu Maase is still sitting on radio and TV messing around. Ako Gunn has landed a National Executive position of the NDC and Alistair Nelson is missing in action.

Ako Gunn’s uncouth behaviour reminds me of what happened to Okudzeto Ablakwa.  When Mr. Kufuor was in power, he introduced what was called Peoples Assembly.  He travelled to all the regional capital towns of Ghana, met with a cross section of the people and asked them to ask him whatever thing that worried them. In fact, he went along with some of his sector ministers to meet the people. In case a question concerned a particular minister, Mr. Kufuor will direct the minister to answer. It was the first of its kind since we attained independence and people liked it.

Mr. Okudzeto Ablakwa who was an unemployed young man roaming the streets of Accra joined the queue to ask President Kufuor a question. When it reached his turned, he looked into the eye of the old man who could be his grandfather and used filthy words on the man. As he was walking away after his uncouth attitude, Mr. Kufuor called him back. He admonished Okudzeto Ablakwa to weigh his words well anytime he spoke to elderly persons because one day he too will grow and take responsible position like he,  Kufuor.  Ablakwa walked away with a stooping head in shame.

Today Okudzeto is an Honourable Member of Parliament and even was once a Deputy Minister of Education. Today, then unemployed Ablakwaa few years ago is living in a luxurious huge mansions with architectural wonder in addition to a fleet of flashy cars to march.  He even chartered a plane to wed his wife in faraway Wa in the Upper West Region. How will he feel if young men decide to take him to the gutter and refer him to his sordid past when he was struggling to get three square meals a day in Accra? Where did he get money to amass such wealth within such a short time? You see how God works?

By Eric Bawah

