A Truce Is In Order

We have observed a rise in the President’s adrenaline level as he seeks the nod of his compatriots in the forthcoming polls.

We have equally done so for the accompanying response from his main political opponent, the New Patriotic Party (NPP), whose flagbearer he appears to have concentrated his polemics on.

We would have rather both sides observe a truce and reflect upon the effect such exchange of polemics would have on the already heated political atmosphere in the country, both of them being important players in the governance of a country they profess to love.

We are constrained to point out that the President, as father of the nation, must exercise a certain modicum of finesse and deference in managing his expressions, some of which are too crude and harsh to be originating from him, especially at this time.

It is a de-ja-vu affair and we wish Ghanaians appreciate the importance of determining the source of the unnecessary vitriolic.

We discussed this subject at a time the NPP had not responded to the President’s innuendos, most of which can only stoke fire on the political terrain. Unfortunately, the NPP could be ready to respond to any attack from their political opponents, something which should be stopped before it degenerates to more fiery exchanges. And with the media not ready to edit some of these stuff, as they relish the headline opportunities, we could be in for a showdown. We would counsel the President to rather concentrate on what he has done and intends doing should the people of Ghana find his stewardship worthy of another term.

How we wish the Ghana Peace Council would engage both parties on the need to be moderate in their expressions. Unfortunately, our wishes are not horses and so beggars cannot ride them, given its characteristic lethargy.

The President, who has been touted as a communications maestro, should have known better how harsh expressions beget equally unsavoury responses.

Haven’t we had enough counseling anyway about how not to raise the political temperature of the country? Given the gravity of the subject however, too much of such counseling would not spoil the broth of our overheating politics. Those who have the ears of the President let them talk to him not to worry but rely on the quality of his stewardship in his campaign and avoid invectives and innuendos which are counterproductive to his cause.

Sleeping personalities, who do not see the good roads he has constructed across the country, is an insult which a President should steer clear of.

We can understand his pain at not having all Ghanaians pour plaudits on him even though he thinks he deserves such gesture.

The adrenaline level should be brought down so that his opponents would stop saying he is a victim of megalomania.

