Accra Hajj Airlift Begins Today


The Accra segment of the 2024 Hajj airlift is set to commence today as relevant state agencies have deployed their personnel to the Hajj Village near the Kotoka International Airport.

Check-in, according to the Executive Secretary of the Ghana Hajj Board Alhaji Farouk Hamza, should commence at 4pm today.

Prospective pilgrims due to fly with the first flight would have by now been communicated to, DAILY GUIDE has learnt.

The curtains were drawn over the Tamale operations, which witnessed the airlift of five batches of pilgrims to Madina, Saudi Arabia en route eventually to the Holy City of Mecca.

According to the Medical Director, Dr. Zakaria Seidu, his team of medical personnel have pitched camp in readiness for the arrival of all the pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

The medics follow the pilgrims to all the stations of the Hajj rituals so they can render medical interventions where necessary.

For those especially undertaking an international trip, the weather change and the accompanying stress can trigger assortments of health challenges. This is where the medical team comes in, and with his many years experience in managing Hajj medical teams, Dr. Zakaria Seidu is on top of the game.

Both the Chairman of the Hajj Board Alhaji Ben Abdallah Banda and Alhaji Farouk Hamza are satisfied that the Tamale operations which they supervised were seamless and devoid of blemish.

On Friday afternoon, the Ghana Hajj Board was handed the renovated Hajj Village by the contractor who undertook the project. The relevant state agencies such as the Ghana Airport Company Limited, Ghana Immigration Service, the Police, Customs Department of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) have deployed their personnel for the commencement of flights.

Accra will see the airlift of four flights.

By A.R. Gomda