Ada Apostolic Church Ends Camp Meeting

The Ada District Overseer of the Calvary Apostolic Ministry, Bishop P.E.N. Nartey has posited that Christians can fully enjoy their Christ-given blessings if they make the search for the Kingdom of God their utmost desire.

He said though the quest may come with challenges and frustrations, it is only in that commitment that the purpose of the Christian can be fulfilled.

Bishop Nartey made the admonition during a sermon to mark the end of a five-day district camp-meeting held from 28th August to 4th September at Big Ada, the district headquarters.

It was themed, ‘Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God.’

According to him, anyone who operates under the Kingdom ability for the glory of God is recognized and revered by the extraordinary manifestation of power in all he does.

Citing the example of Prophet Elisha’s exploits in the Bible in the book of II Kings chapter 6, he said Elisha operated under the domain of the Kingdom of God and he was even privy to the wicked plans the King of Syria hatched in secret against Israel and directed the King of Israel to escape an ambush.

“And this angered the King to the extent that he decided to eliminate the prophet by sending his troops to execute the evil agenda but unfortunately for him because Elisha was operating under the Kingdom ability, God detailed an army from heaven with horses and chariots of fire to fight for him. Elisha was aware of this so did not panic but easily overcame the large Syrian army through the power of the Kingdom and made them blind.”

Bishop Nartey brought to the fore how Haman’s plot against Israel was foiled by Queen Esther in the book of Esther, chapter 5-7.

It was not yet her time to come before the king but because she operated under the Kingdom capacity, she found favour with the king and saved Israel and Haman was hanged on the gallows he had prepared for the annihilation of the Jews.

The sizzling Man of God entreated Christians not to fret over any negative information that they may receive “because once you are in the Kingdom, the strong arm of the Lord shall deliver you from the plots of your enemies.”

“Fervently seek the Kingdom of God and when you find it, remain in it for therein lies your victory. Exchange it for nothing, for it is priceless and you shall do exploits and the world shall stare in awe as Jehovah reveals His power through you to the glory of His name.”

By Mike Avickson

