Adom TV Grateful To Ghanaians

Abena Yiadom, channel manager, AdomĀ  displaying the award

Adom TV, a channel on Multi TV, has been adjudged the Best TV Station of The Year at the just-ended maiden edition of the Pan-African Eminence Award held at the Accra International Conference Centre (AICC) in Accra.

Pan-Africa Eminence Awards 2016 is an event organised by the Confederation of Governance Assessment Institute (COGAI) to reward deserving people, corporate institutions and dignitaries of African descent for their meritorious works in the variety of fields they find themselves.

The Channel Manager of Adom TV, Abena Yiadom, who received the award on behalf of Adom TV, expressed gratitude to Ghanaians for their support which enabled the station to win the award.

She told BEATWAVES in an interview, ā€œIā€™m incredibly proud of our station and the work weā€™ve done over the past year.Ā  It is an honour to be the television station of the year. It’s a great surprise and it means a lot.Ā  Hmm! It is the work of God.ā€

She stressed that Adom TV deserved the award because, for the past years, the television station has used its programmes to educate viewers on developmental issues as well as promote Ghanaian music.

According to her, the award would encourage the entire staff of Adom TV and its affiliate TV channels to work extra hard to meet the challenges ahead of them.

She hinted that Adom TV owes its success to its viewers and its dynamic team and hardworking producers, adding, ā€œWithout their support, Adom TV couldnā€™t have come this far.ā€