Akufo-Addo Hails Female Judges


President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, says he believes that women judges can represent the spirit of justice, and the enduring promise of equality within the judiciary and bring unique insights and life experiences to the bench, thereby, enriching the interpretation and application of the law.

According to him, the presence and inclusion of women at all levels of the judicial system not only enhances the perspective of the judiciary but is also key to strengthening public confidence in the justice delivery system.

President Akufo-Addo said this when speaking at the 18th Africa Regional Conference of the International Association of Women Judges 2024.

He noted, “I know this because I have had the honor of appointing, since becoming President in 2017, many women to all the various levels of our judicial ladder, including two to the highest office of Chief Justice, of which the most recent is the current Chief Justice, Mrs Justice Gertrude Torkornoo’’.

The President further stated that women judges across Africa and the globe bring unique viewpoints and strengths to the judiciary as their experiences, often mirror the societal challenges we seek to overcome, and equip them uniquely to advocate for justice and fairness.

Therefore, “in dealing with issues like gender-based violence, child marriage, widowhood rites and female genital mutilation practices steeped in deep-rooted cultural norms, your voices and rulings can resonate deeply, driving societal transformation.”

Speaking on the theme, Combating Negative Cultural Practices in Contemporary Times: The Role of Women Judges, President Akufo-Addo noted that, this theme “calls on each of us, especially our women judges, to leverage our collective legal acumen to dismantle barriers to justice because negative cultural practices are not just an affront to the victims, but are a blemish on our collective human conscience.

He said “It is in our schools, homes, and community gatherings where the foundational beliefs of our next generation are formed. Here lies the strategic importance of holistic approaches that include legal repercussions, as well as preventative measures through education and community engagement.”

The President since assuming office in 2017 noted that his outfit has provided unprecedented court infrastructure including court buildings and residences, across the country.

Targeting an overall number of 100 in 2020, he said, as at February 2024, 79 courthouses had been successfully inaugurated, and are in use at various sites around the country. The remaining 21 projects are at various stages of completion and are expected to be completed and inaugurated soon.

“In addition, 121 residential units have been constructed for judges throughout the country.

Further, 20 fully furnished 4-bedroom units, together with social amenities, have been constructed for Justices of the Court of Appeal in Kumasi. The Project is not yet complete, but I can say we have done enough to try to address the perennial problem of insufficient court infrastructure in Ghana”, he added.

-BY Daniel Bampoe