Alan Unveils Great Transformational Plan (GTP) For Ghana’s Future


In a bold move to redefine Ghana’s future trajectory, Alan Kyerematen, founder and leader of the Movement for Change, has introduced an all-encompassing blueprint known as the Great Transformational Plan (GTP).

This transformative strategy outlines visionary initiatives across critical sectors such as agriculture, tourism, governance, and infrastructure, with the aim of catapulting Ghana into a new era of prosperity and sustainable development.

At the core of Kyerematen’s vision is a groundbreaking agricultural transformation plan that envisions the establishment of Agroparks and Processing Clusters strategically positioned in various agro-ecological zones.
These integrated hubs will boast cutting-edge facilities for irrigation, mechanization, production, processing, and packaging, underpinned by partnerships with farmers and outgrower schemes. By leveraging advanced technologies and climate-smart practices, this initiative seeks to revolutionize agricultural productivity and enhance resilience against the impacts of climate change.

Key initiatives within the agricultural sector include campaigns such as ‘Operation Own a Farm’ and ‘Farm for Life’, designed to catalyze broad-based participation in agricultural activities. Kyerematen stresses the importance of collaborations with faith-based organizations and security services to amplify agricultural output, leading to self-sufficiency and enhanced global competitiveness. Additionally, targeted incentives to engage youth in agricultural value chains and innovative financing mechanisms are poised to inject vigor into the sector.

Turning to tourism, Kyerematen envisions positioning Ghana as the primary tourist destination in Africa.
His strategy advocates for the rejuvenation of Ghana’s historic forts and castles through strategic public-private partnerships.
Plans also include the development of beachfront properties and tourist enclaves along Ghana’s coastal areas, coupled with initiatives to boost domestic tourism and streamline visa procedures to attract international visitors.
By capitalizing on Ghana’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty, Kyerematen aims to elevate tourism’s pivotal role in driving the nation’s economic growth.

In tackling governance challenges, the GTP underscores stringent measures to combat corruption and enhance transparency in public procurement. Kyerematen proposes consolidating anti-corruption efforts under an independent authority while bolstering civil service capabilities and judicial infrastructure. Furthermore, the plan advocates for decentralized governance structures to empower local communities and traditional authorities in decision-making processes.

Infrastructure development emerges as a linchpin of Kyerematen’s transformative agenda, with plans for a comprehensive evaluation of existing projects and facilities nationwide.

He advocates for increased private sector participation in infrastructure development, supported by fiscal incentives and the issuance of infrastructure bonds. Priority areas encompass the modernization of energy infrastructure, the expansion of affordable housing initiatives, and the integration of digital technologies to optimize urban planning and service delivery.


By Vincent Kubi