All Set For 2024 PruRide

Peter Adjei (3rd R), Emmanuel Hammond (2nd L) in a group photograph with partners


Prudential Life Insurance Ghana (PLIG) has successfully launched the fifth edition of its annual urban cycling event, PruRide 2024.

The event is part of activities marking the 10th anniversary celebration of Prudential Life’s operations in Ghana and was officially unveiled during the EMY Africa Expo at the Accra International Conference Centre (AICC) last Saturday.

The launch was attended by officials from the National Sports Authority, the Ghana Cycling Federation, cyclists, cycling enthusiasts, and various partners.

Chief Operations Officer of Prudential Life Insurance Ghana, Peter Adjei, expressed the company’s commitment to supporting cycling and PruRide since 2019, emphasising the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in alignment with their goal of being partners in every life and protectors of every future.

Peter Adjei highlighted the growth of PruRide over the years, with the inaugural event in 2019 attracting 200 cyclists and increasing to 360 participants in 2023.

He anticipated a participation of about 500 cyclists in this year’s edition, emphasising the unifying and health-promoting aspects of cycling.

Head of Sustainability at Prudential Life Insurance Ghana, Emmanuel Hammond, announced that the main event of PruRide 2024 is scheduled for Sunday, August 25,  at the Black Star Square, preceded by three Fun Rides in Accra and Kumasi, including a Corporate Fun Ride aimed at engaging and de-stressing participants.

He added that that this year’s race will feature a 20km route for amateur cyclists, 100km route for elite or professional cyclists for males and 75km for females. Participants will compete for cash prizes of up to GH¢15,000, medals, trophies, certificates, and souvenirs from Prudential Life Insurance.

In line with promoting inclusion, disabled cyclists will receive a special cash prize of GH¢500, recognising their participation and effort in the event.

Emmanuel Hammond urged all cyclists and stunt professionals to prioritise safety by wearing helmets and other riding gear and adhering to safety regulations to ensure a smooth and incident-free event, underscoring Prudential Life’s commitment to the safety of every individual.

Joseph Addo, a member of the Ghana Cycling Federation, commended Prudential Life Insurance Ghana for its bold support of cycling as a less developed sport. He pledged the federation’s continuous backing of PruRide with the aim of elevating it to a global event.


 By Prince Fiifi Yorke