Another Bout Of Irresponsible Remarks

Kofi Adams

The National Organiser of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Kofi Adams doubles as a principal campaigner for former President John Dramani Mahama’s bid to bear the flag of the party in the next general election.

It is for this reason that remarks from him should be taken seriously, contextually et al. He is reported to have served notice that the party, and we understand that to mean the top hierarchy, is behind the embattled Dr. Stephen Opuni as he faces twenty seven charges in court.

We would not go into the merits of the case. That is not for us to do especially since hearing into the matter is about to commence. Suffice it to state though that it is appalling and disappointing that the opposition does not find anything untoward in the conduct of their members who were entrusted with positions of responsibility during the past regime.

While his remarks are unnecessary they send a rather worrying signal about just how the party has no place for the work of the judiciary. Ghanaians should not entrust the charge of this country to this crop of citizens.

For a party notorious for stalling court processes and with the historical baggage of eliminating judges, when such remarks are made they should not be taken lightly but condemned by all rule of law loving persons.

It is not mere solidarity which is being expressed but an expression of disdain for the judicial process.

We recall former President John Mahama’s call on party supporters to go to the court in their numbers in solidarity with Abuga Pele in the run-up to his migration to prison.

There is little, if at all, between the party’s national organizer’s remark and Hon Nii Lante Vanderpuye’s when the latter said when the NDC wins the 2020 election they would release Abuga Pele from prison.

In the heat of widespread condemnation of the MP’s remarks, the party in a face-saving gesture distanced itself from the expression of solidarity.

We cannot avoid asking whether it was even necessary to pass the remarks when Dr. Stephen Opuni and Seidu Agongo are appearing before a court of competent jurisdiction where they would as usual be entitled to legal support and fair hearing. What is the fear of the NDC in this case?

Our judiciary has come of age and so it is not necessary to utter expressions which presuppose despondence; in fact, a lack of confidence in judges.

Growing a country entails the development of all facets of the nation’s life – the rule of law being one of the most critical. Remarks such as this have the tendency of thwarting the efforts of a government to woo investors into the country.

Anyway the NDC does not mean the country any good because, after all, they are not in power and so whatever good things are destined for Ghana should dissipate into thin air.

