Another Gay Man Flees Town

Amidu Ahmed

A man who is believed to be a notorious gay was nearly lynched last week by the people of some suburbs of Accra.

Ahmed Amidu suffered the beating of his life when he was arrested by the youth of some Zongo areas, who had identified and labeled him the ‘Nigerian Gay’.

Information gathered by DAILY GUIDE indicated that the people of the area had been on the heels of Ahmed for sometime until luck eluded the youngman last week.

Ahmed was beaten and dragged through the streets, as he begged for his life to be spared.

“At a point, they took him into the big gutter linking Mamobi and Nima, where they flogged him for hours. It was pathetic,” said an eyewitness who wished to remain anonymous.

It was gathered that the said homosexual however managed to escape.

This latest incident followed a number of homophobic attacks in Ghana which seems to put the lives of LGBTs in grave danger.

The trend is to severely beat or in some cases lynch an LGBT while videotaping the event and circulate it on the internet.

The people of Teshie, also in Accra, recently mounted a house-to-house search for suspected gays and subjected them to public beating and humiliation, after which the LGBTs in the area fled town.


