Ayariga’s Objection Against Supreme Court Nominees Struck Out



A dramatic turn of events unfolded in Parliament Tuesday as Chairperson of the Appointments Committee Patricia Appiagyei dismissed an objection raised by Bawku Central Member of Parliament, Mahama Ayariga, paving the way for the vetting of two Supreme Court nominees to proceed.

The National Democratic Congress MP, Ayariga had contested President Akufo-Addo’s authority to appoint additional Justices to the Supreme Court, citing a perceived violation of Article 128 (1) of the 1992 Constitution.

However, the Committee Chairperson, Appiagyei ruled that the objection lacked merit, emphasizing that constitutional interpretation is the exclusive domain of the Supreme Court.

In a surprising twist, Adaklu Constituency MP Kwame Agbodza alleged that Appiagyei’s ruling was lifted from a Facebook post by a journalist, sparking further debate.

Despite the controversy, a vote was held, resulting in a tie, which ultimately led to the motion being lost and the vetting process continuing.

The development sets the stage for a potentially contentious vetting process, with implications for the composition of the Supreme Court and the balance of power in Ghana’s judiciary.


-BY Daniel Bampoe