‘Bloodbath’ In Techiman South NDC

A victim of the attack

A violent altercation between members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) broke out in the Techiman South Constituency of the Bono East Region.

The conflict was sparked by internal party polls when brutal attack was unleashed on party members who were expressing their dissent regarding the handling of the internal polls.

The incident, which occurred on Monday evening at the party’s constituency office, led to the arrest of the constituency party chairman Alhaji Nuhu Fawa.

Eyewitnesses reported a chaotic scene as fists flew and chairs were thrown during the bloody clash.

Several party members sustained injuries, with some requiring medical attention.

Party members who were present accused Alhaji Fawa of orchestrating the attack, claiming that he had brought in hired thugs to intimidate and silence those who opposed his leadership.

Alhaji Nuhu Fawa

The alleged thugs, believed to be loyal to him, were said to have attacked and severely beaten an 80-year-old man and two others.

The victims have since received medical treatment at Holy Family Hospital in Techiman and have been discharged.

The sacking of two constituency executives had already intensified tensions, leading to a media war between the two factions.

In response to the allegations, Alhaji Fawa denied any involvement in the violence, asserting that he had no knowledge of the identities of the individuals responsible for the attack.

He condemned the incident and promised to cooperate fully with the police investigation.

In a letter signed by the constituency secretary, Edward Fosu Nsowah, it was stated that Fuseini Nafiu and Yussif Mohammed had engaged in anti-party conduct, which was considered a gross insubordination against the ethics of the party.

Other executives and supporters – wearing red armbands – protested by closing down the party’s office in response to the sacking of the executives.

Following the incident, the Bono East Regional Police Command arrested Alhaji Nuhu Fawa, who appeared before the Techiman District Court.

However, his plea was not taken, as his lawyer sought an out-of-court settlement, arguing that it was an internal party matter.

Opinion leaders and party elders intervened to broker a resolution, and eventually, the victims agreed to an out-of-court settlement. The trial judge granted the request and gave both parties a month to resolve their irreconcilable differences.

The police have launched an investigation into the incident and have assured the public that those responsible for the violence will be held accountable.

By Vincent Kubi

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