Bryan Acheampong Only Replied Mahama’s Threat Of Violence– Miracles Aboagye


Director of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, has Dennis Mircales Aboagye explained that the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Bryan Acheampong recent comment on the 2024 was a reply to the violent threats of former President John Dramani Mahama.
Mahama has been lately beating war drums in addition to preaching violence.

According to Miracles, persons who are criticizing Bryan Acheampong hate people who stand up for themselves.

In a tweet, he said “Your candidate threatens and preaches violence and touts your revolutionary roots.@BryanAcheampong replies and says IF you try violence, you won’t have your way and you are screaming. What were u thinking? Political Bullies, They hate people who stand up for themselves.”

On his recent campaign tour, former President Mahama says the 2024 elections is going to be no playground for any political party as the NDC would be ready ‘boot for boot’.

Reaching out to delegates of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) at Dormaa East on Monday, March 13 as part of his campaign to be elected flagbearer of the NDC, he urged supporters of the party to be extra vigilant in the next general election to ensure victory for the party.

“Open your eyes at the polling stations like eagle eyes,” he said.

“We know that you all have children who have been educated, we want you to release them to us so that we train them five times before we vote. This 2024 election is not a joke, it is boot to boot, it is do-or-die” he added.

This follows attempts by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) seeking to criminalise comments made by Bryan Acheampong for saying that the NPP would not hand over power to the NDC.

Bryan Acheampong had assured members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) that the economy will bounce back.

He said the government is working to secure a deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Hopefully, he said, by June this year the deal will be closed, a situation that will lead to the resurgence of the economy.

Speaking to members of the NPP in Kwahu after a health walk on Saturday, April 8, the Abetifi Lawmaker said “NDC party will collapse. If the NDC dares to use threats, violence and foolishness in the 2024 election we will let them know we have the men. We will show them that we have the men. We have the men.

“It will never happen that we the NPP will stand on a platform to hand over power to the NDC. It will never happen! We will make sure NPP remain in government at all cost”.

The former Minister of State at the Ministry of National Security added “Now with the way things are changing the economy will bounce back again, I am telling you that we are going to come around that curve and we are going to win the 2024 elections hands down.”

The General Secretary of the NDC Fifi Kwetey said that the comment is treasonable.

He said in a statement that “The NDC condemns this utterly reckless and treasonable comment in no uncertain terms. We note that Bryan Acheampong is the latest of high-ranking officials of the NPP to make such brazen statement that reveals the party’s deep-seated determination to subvert Ghana’s democratic order.

“At an NPP delegates conference in Kumasi in 2021, President Akufo-Addo expressed his determination to “hand over to an NPP Government in 2025″. This eerily reminds everyone of the Nana Addo led desperate attempts to steal the 2008 elections in the strongroom of the electoral commission and other attempts by his desperate party to put dead bodies in water bodies in the Volta region all with a view to subverting the will of the people in that critical election.”

By Vincent Kubi
