Civil Society Hails Supreme Court Over Celebrity Alcohol Ban Decision

Labram Musah


Civil society actors in the health and development sectors have expressed their satisfaction at the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Food and Drugs Authority’s (FDA) ban on celebrities endorsing alcohol beverage advertisements.

This was contained in a statement issued by the Executive Director of Programmes, Vision for Alternative Development, and Ghana National Coordinator – Ghana NCD Alliance, Labram Musah, after the Supreme Court delivered a verdict in response to a writ challenging the FDA’s directive.

It highlighted the importance of prioritising the well-being of Ghanaian children, youth, and vulnerable populations over the commercial interests of a few individuals.

The civil society actors thanked the judges for their commitment to safeguarding the public health of the nation and protecting individuals from the harmful effects of alcohol consumption and exposure to alcohol products.

It stated, “In the pursuit of safeguarding the health and well-being of our nation’s children and youth, today marks a pivotal moment as we celebrate the verdict by the apex court in the case challenging the authority of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) over celebrity endorsements of alcohol advertisement.

The statement stated that, “The evidence presented throughout this trial has illuminated the dire consequences of unchecked alcohol marketing, particularly when facilitated by high-profile figures or celebrities.”

The ruling signifies a crucial step towards regulating harmful marketing practices and promoting healthier lifestyles in Ghana. By upholding the ban on celebrity alcohol endorsements, the Supreme Court has set a precedent for responsible marketing strategies that prioritize public health over profit-driven motives.

“We call upon all stakeholders, government, civil society, media, academic and research institutions, patient affected by alcohol use, religious and community groups including the well-known personalities and celebrities to unite in safeguarding our youth from the perils of alcohol marketing. Let us stand as beacons of responsibility, guiding our children towards a future defined by health, opportunity, and empowerment,” it urged.


By Nafisatu Abdul Razak