Continuity In Change


Someone has likened the current state of politics in Ghana as the country inches towards the December polls to a cacophonous marketplace.

The marked difference though between the two is that whereas the marketplace is filled with tangible stuff, the political space is laden with outright fabrications intended to hoodwink the people.

Ironically, those behind the peddling of falsehoods are those seeking the nod of the people to lead this country.

Besides the unhealthy decibel level of the noise on gullible radio stations, especially assigned to amplify the fabrications, the values of society are seriously being trampled upon.

So much has been said about this situation yet little or nothing is being witnessed in the form of positive changes.

When the ordinary politician descends into the political gutter and spews nonsense, they can be overlooked. Not so however when a former president and political party leader leads the charge against morality.

Fabricating lies and maintaining them is such a Herculean task. In most cases, the fabricators end up exposing themselves.

Matters bordering on political policies, the cornerstones of political parties, have been denigrated recently because of the insincerity associated with them.

No sooner than they are announced as part of the campaigns than archival stuff are released to announce policies plans propriety.

Isn’t amazing, indeed ironic that former President John Mahama is now seeking the hands of nursing students? He has forgotten so soon that he cancelled their training allowances and even saying if that was going to cost him the elections so be it.

Teacher and nursing trainees are now targets of former President John Mahama, as he fishes for them in whatever form he can.

Indeed, the trainees were smarter than the NDC flagbearer and they voted against him, perhaps that is why he is now fashioning out fresh template in his bid to beat them this time around.

Now John Mahama wants to exploit the current economic challenges by telling the nursing trainees to turn against the NPP government because he claimed the government owes them over 30 months’ allowances.

If even that is true, the government will ultimately pay them, which is better than the total cancellation by John Mahama on the advice of his running mate Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang, then the Minister of Education.

Ghanaians should not allow John Mahama back to power, who throughout his political career cannot boast of any social intervention policy, except the inexplicable 24-hour economy to rear lions for export to Pudong. We were beaten during the tenure of John Mahama as President of the Republic, so we are very shy and afraid of his second coming because of dumsor and lack of economic direction.

A word to the wise, this time around is at the voting centres on December 7, 2024. Our best bet is continuity in change. And with God/Allah all things are possible.