Côte d’Ivoire PM Dies Of Cancer

The Prime Minister of Cote d’ Ivoire, has passed away.

Hamed Bakayoko, according to reports, died from cancer in Freiburg, Germany. President Alassan Ouattara has confirmed his death in a tweet.

He died on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, after marking his 56th birthday about eight months ago.

In his tweet, Mr Ouattara said, “Our country is in mourning.”

“It is with great sorrow that I announce the death of Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko, head of state, minister of defence … in Germany, as a result of cancer,” he added, describing Bakayoko as “a great statesman, a model for our youth, a personality of great generosity and exemplary loyalty”, Mr Ouattara added in his tweet sighted by DGN Online.


By Melvin Tarlue
