I Don’t Know Special Prosecutor – Hamid

Mustapha Abdul-Hamid

Minister of Information, Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, has said he has no knowledge about who President Nana Akufo-Addo intends to appoint as the Special Prosecutor.

“I don’t know the person unless the President discloses for all of us to get to know,” Mr Abdul-Hamid said on Monday, January 8, 2018.
Some analysts have predicted that private legal practitioner Akoto Ampaw will fill the position as the first Special Prosecutor.

However, Mr Abdul-Hamid said on Monday that he is in the dark about it just like all Ghanaians.
“I can’t say what the President has not told me. Some people are experts in knowing what is in the head of the President but I don’t have such powers,” he said in an interview on Asempa FM’s ‘Ekosii Sen’ afternoon political talk show programmme.
President Akufo-Addo recently signed the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act into law.
The bill was passed by Parliament last year as part of government’s efforts to deal with corruption in the public sector.
Speaking at a brief ceremony at the seat of government, the Flagstaff House on Tuesday, 2 January, President Akufo-Addo observed that even though the Special Prosecutor Bill is a subject of controversy, he is hopeful its full implementation would help root out corruption in the public sector.

He added that both past and present public office holders will be subjected to the Special Prosecutor law.



