EC To Register New Voters

Jean mensa

The Electoral Commission (EC) has announced it will be undertaking a limited registration of new voters’ prior to the District Level Elections and Referendum in May, 2019.

The registration, the EC noted will take place in all the District Offices of the Electoral Commission across the country.

This follows a stakeholders’ meeting with the Inter Party Advisory Committee (IPAC).

The discussions at the meeting were centred on preparations for 2019 District Level Elections(DLE) and Referendum; inspection of Political Party Offices and updates on the compliance of the Political Parties with audit requirements.

A statement signed by Jean Mensa, Chairperson of the commission said the District Level Elections and the Referendum will be conducted on the same day during the last quarter of 2019.

“The Commission will publish the time table and road map for the District Level Election, Referendum and other activities of the year in the 1st week of April 2019,” the statement said.

The Commission it further noted will compile a new voters register ahead of the 2020 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections.

The statement noted that the Commission has published the report on the submitted Audited Accounts of the Political Parties.

“Audited Accounts do not meet international audit standards. The Commission is preparing a draft Constitutional Instrument to regulate and streamline the format of Financial Returns and Audited Accounts of the Political Parties, “ it explained.

The inspection of offices of political parties the release said is underway with a comprehensive report on the findings of the inspection expected to be made available to stakeholders by the end of May, 2019.

By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri
