Educational Institutions Urged To Prioritise Student Counseling

Prof. Buabeng


Acting Rector and Dean of Academics, BlueCrest University College, Prof. Thomas Buabeng Assan has appealed to heads of educational institutions to intensify counseling sessions for students.

According to him, counseling plays a vital role in the development of students serving as a tool to manage mental health issues, such as anxiety, and depression, and empowering people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

“There is a need for institutions to prioritize students’ mental well-being by conducting counseling sessions for them. When students are enrolled the focus should not be only on learning and teaching as many of them are unfamiliar with the university environment. There is a need to create that enabling environment where they can confidently access counseling services,” he said.

Prof. Buabeng Assan further indicated that various studies suggest that students need a lot of support, “especially university students aside from the academic support they also need social and other support to make them stable”.

He encouraged the various educational institutions to develop a student advisory facility to serve as a centre where students can share their problems, and ideas with experts who will intend to share their experiences with them and provide the needed solution to their problems.

Additionally, Prof. Buabeng made the statement following the tragic passing of a level 300 student at the University of Education, Winneba in the Central Region named Rita Anane who was alleged to have committed suicide by hanging.

Even though there is limited information surrounding her death, reports suggest that she had a break-up with her boyfriend which caused her much pain to commit the acts.

Prof. Buabeng Assan further reiterated that school authorities need to engage students in a day-to-day conversation adding, “Some of these students are between their teenage years hence they need to be guided by expertise in their line of making decisions for themselves as some of their choices are irrational and can lead to suicide in extreme cases.

Meanwhile, the family of the deceased has refuted news that the late Rita Annan died from a broken heart hence calling on the government to investigate the incident.

According to the family, the deceased showed no signs of depression and always received all needed assistance.

The police have since deported the lifeless body to the Efutu Municipal Mortuary while the boyfriend has been taken into custody by the police to assist in the investigation.

BY Prince Fiifi Yorke