Eshiem Residents Hail Charles Bissue

The DRIP machines working on the road


Residents of Eshiem near Kojokrom in the Essikado-Ketan Constituency of the Western Region have praised the New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary candidate for the area, Charles Onuawonto Bissue, for his commitment to see to the construction of the Eshiem to Mpintsin junction road.

The road project, currently ongoing, is under the government’s District Road Improvement Programme (DRIP) initiative.

The residents claimed that they were facing significant challenges due to the poor state of the road.

The situation, according to them, was a major concern for the community, impacting their daily lives and economic activities.

They said despite previous demonstrations by the residents, the situation remained unchanged until last Friday when the DRIP machines were moved to the site to begin work.

An opinion leader, Patrick Afful, was excited that Mr. Bissue has managed to mobilise the DRIP machines to construct the Eshiem road which had deteriorated for close to 30 years.

“Mr. Bissue told us that he does not make promises but assured that the road will be fixed. So we are happy he is fixing the road. In fact we will vote for the NPP come December 7 so that the road project can continue,” he added.

Nana Kwame Freiku, the area’s Unit Committee chairman said the people are overjoyed when they heard that the DRIP machines have been moved to work on the road adding, “We have been suffering for long due to the poor condition”.

A taxi cab driver and a former second Trustee at the Kojokrom Taxi rank, Kwame Essel Otoo, said drivers have had their vehicles damaged while transporting people or goods on the road and had to spend a chunk of their sales to repair their vehicles.

“So we thank the NPP PC for the initiative. We are however, appealing to the metropolitan assembly to ensure the speedy completion of the project,” he added.

From Emmanuel Opoku, Eshiem
