Fire Destroys Shops In Tema


A devastating fire swept through Tuobodom, a squatter community in Tema Community 12, destroying approximately 500 structures and leaving hundreds of residents displaced.

The inferno, which began as a small blaze, quickly spread due to strong winds, engulfing homes and businesses.

According to Tema Regional Fire Commander, ACFO II Patrick Sallah, the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) responded promptly to the distress call, deploying nine fire tenders and nearly 80 personnel to the scene.

“We brought the fire under control within 90 minutes and completely extinguished it by 5:30 p.m. Fortunately, no lives were lost, but properties were destroyed,” Commander Sallah stated.

Eyewitnesses described the chaos and destruction caused by the fire.
Joyce Essel, a hairdresser in the community, lost all her belongings in the blaze.

“I could smell something burning from my salon, but I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Then I heard an explosion, and within minutes, four kiosks were on fire. We called the fire service, but the fire spread too fast.”

The fire has had a devastating impact on the community, with many residents losing their livelihoods. Redeemer Torzu, who lost GH¢12,000 in the blaze, expressed his desperation.

“I was on my way home from work when I saw a fire appliance heading in this direction. By the time I got here, it was too late. I’ve lost everything, including the cash I needed for some purchases. We need help.”

The incident has drawn attention from local leaders, including Tema Central MP, Nii Noi Hanson-Nortey, who visited the scene and called for support for the affected residents.

-BY Daniel Bampoe
