Firefighters Quench Fire At Job 600 Building


A dramatic fire broke out at the 12-floor of Job 600 building in Accra, Ghana’s Parliament, on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, prompting a swift response from the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS).

The fire, which engulfed a room on the 12th floor, was brought under control after a tense hour-and-a-half battle by firefighters.

The incident occurred at approximately 9:30 am, with the GNFS receiving a distress call and responding promptly within five minutes.

According to reports, three tenders and a team of firefighters were deployed to combat the blaze, which had already begun to spread.

Although the fire was extinguished, officials have warned that the building is not yet safe for occupation due to heavy smoke damage.

An investigation into the cause of the fire is underway, with officials working to determine the origin of the blaze.

The Job 600 building, located at the State House in Accra, houses several government ministries and agencies, and its evacuation has caused significant disruption.

The adjoining Parliament House was also evacuated as a precautionary measure.

BY Daniel Bampoe
