‘Football Without Fans Is No Football’

Kurt Okraku


Ghana Football Association (GFA) President, Kurt Okraku, has underscored the need to place premium on fans in football.

The GFA boss believes the role of fan base in the game cannot be underestimated and should not be relegated to the background.

Consequently, he has hinted that plans are in place to augment already existing policies geared towards fan base drive.

At the GFA 30th Ordinary Congress, he mentioned that working in tandem with the fan base will be one of the FA’s topmost priorities.

Tagging fans as the ’12th man’, he said at the Congress, “… Football without fans (our 12th man) is no football, and football with the 12th man provides the most attractive product you can commercially dream about. ”

He added, “That is why the FA will invest in the coming season and work with each one of us to win back the 12th man to our football.”

‘Bring back the love’ is one of the interventions rolled out by the current GFA administration to win supporters to the stands.


By Kofi Owusu Aduonum