Fund Private Tertiary Institutions – Irene Ansa-Asare

Faculty members and a cross section of graduands


Rector of the Mountcrest University College (MCU), Irene Ansa-Asare, has called on government to provide funding for private tertiary institutions so they can complement the role of public universities in the delivery of quality education.

Speaking at the 6th congregation of the school last Saturday in Accra on the theme “Navigating Change for Sustainable Development: Towards Charter and Beyond,” she said efforts by government to develop policies in the provision of quality education would be inadequate if it fails to provide financial assistance to private tertiary institutions, especially in the area of research and faculty development.

According to her, such support will go a long way to provide a level playing field for all tertiary institutions to be able to deliver and navigate change for sustainable development.

“The undeniable fact is that government cannot do it all, government cannot educate all the millions of Ghanaians who are in need of education with the limited resources available to it without the participation of the private education sector.

“Therefore, I respectfully submit that it is now time for government to put its money where its mouth is and allocate direct funding to private institutions,” she added.

She also mentioned that in spite of the enormous conditions and tasks that are  required  of private tertiary institutions for the award of a charter, especially the financial aspect, MCU has made significant progress with the application processes that will enable it to receive a Presidential Charter.

The Rector said the charter, when awarded, will enable the school to become a fully-fledged tertiary institution that will have its own degree-awarding powers as well as the ability to fully pursue innovative programmes aimed at meeting the specific challenges facing society.

She further advised the graduands to use their unique knowledge of multi-disciplinary studies to strive to become the next generation of leaders who will hold government accountable, as well as become policy makers dedicated to the cause of building the country.

Provost of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), on behalf of the Vice Chancellor,  Prof. Akosua Dickson, said it was committed as a mentor university to offer continuous support and guidance  to ensure the successful implementation of plans aimed at attaining a Presidential Charter required by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission for all affiliate institutions to attain a Presidential Charter by  2024.

He also called on the graduands to uphold the reputation associated with the profession, to be able to contribute meaningfully to the development of the country while they continue to learn as professionals.

Apart from 60 students who graduated with LLB for the 2022 and 2023 academic year, the school also held a matriculation ceremony for students who are also pursuing programmes in Law, BSC. Health Service Management, BSc. Business Administration among others.

Present at the graduation ceremony include Board Chairman of the MCU Council, Prof. Steve Amisah, faculty members and some past students of the school.

Mr. Bright Kofi Abotsi, in his valedictory speech on behalf of the graduands, assured the school of their readiness to use the knowledge acquired to transform their communities and the country as a whole.

By Ebenezer K. Amponsah