Funny Face, Lil Win Engage In Near Fisticuff On UTV


Funny Face and Lil Win traded insults with each other when they both appeared on UTV’s United Showbiz on Saturday night, a situation which almost turned ugly.

It took the timely intervention of the show’s other guests, including Bulldog, Counsellor Adumata and the programme’s producers to prevent them from fighting.

Saturday’s altercation was the height of their back-and-forth rage over accusations that Lil Win broke Funny Face’s last marriage.

A couple of months ago, Funny Face accused Lil Win of being the one who influenced his wife to leave home with his twins.

He said Lil Win succeeded because his wife is not emotionally strong.

But Lil Win claimed he doesn’t know Funny Face’s wife.

“A woman with her husband and her blessed kids… how can I call her to say leave your husband? Common sense should tell you I will never do that,” he disclosed.

They met on United Showbiz on Saturday for the first time to—perhaps— settle their differences, which they finally did after their near-blow drama.

”There are some people you need to disinfect in your life…Kwadwo, you’re fake. I will beat you mercilessly,” Funny Face gestured at Lil Win while speaking to host Nana Ama McBrown.

Angry Lil Win, who was ready to fight, could not hold back, and he was heard saying, “Can you beat me Funny?” But tempers were calmed down by the producers of the show.

Later on during the show, they smoked the peace pipe to let bygones be bygones. Funny also used the platform to apologise to his friend Emmanuel Adebayor, who unfollowed him because the ‘Cow & Chicken’ actor failed to heed his advice to stop commenting on social media about his fracas with Lil Win.

Lil Win, Bulldog and Counsellor Adumata all put in a word for him, pleading with Adebayor to forgive him.

By Francis Addo