Gay Man Escapes Family Attack

Lukman Awudu

A gay man believed to be in his thirties narrowly escaped lynching after his family members attacked him in his home.

The attack, which took place at Fadama in Accra, was masterminded by the blood brother of the man, who was said to have severally warned his kinsman to refrain from gay activities and interacting with other homosexuals.

At the time of filing this story, the circumstances surrounding the attack was scanty, but DAILY GUIDE gathered that Lukman Awudu escaped miraculously when his brother, Baba, organized a mob which included other family members to brutally assault him.

According to Baba, he had suspected his brother of being gay for a long time now, “because he is friends with some persons who are gay people, and family members including myself have warned him several times to desist from befriending gay people”.

Baba who spoke to DAILY GUIDE through an interpreter in the Hausa language, said, “We will not sit idle while he brings shame to our family with this un-Islamic and sacrilegious thing. The entire family is in support of what we are here to do today.”

The paper learnt that as Lukman was being beaten by the mob in his house, he gathered courage, and rushed into his room, from where he escaped through the window.

It was also gathered that his wife and children were present at the time Lukman was being brutally beaten by the mean-looking youth of the area.


