GFA, Black Starlets Call On KGL Foundation


A Ghana Football Association, (GFA) delegation led by President Kurt Edwin Simeon-Okraku, and accompanied by the national U-17 squad (Black Starlets), has paid a courtesy call on KGL Foundation, sponsors of the KGL U-17 Inter Regional Football Championships.

Having benefited from a sponsorship relationship between the GFA and the KGL Foundation over a little more than three years, the leadership of the Association deemed it appropriate to visit KGL Foundation.

The GFA delegation was welcomed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation, Elliott Dadey, who indicated how thrilled the Foundation was to be hosting the GFA and the Black Starlets.

He stated that they were happy to be making a contribution to the development of the youth.

The KGL Foundation CEO noted that their relationship with the GFA was the first such endeavour embarked upon by the Foundation stressing that this had thrown the spotlight on the KGL Foundation. Ghana football, Dadey said, “holds a really special place in the heart of the KGL Foundation”.

The GFA President expressed his profound appreciation to KGL Foundation for their support for Colts Football development.

President Simeon-Okraku also took the opportunity to inform the Foundation that the GFA now had 20 national teams to manage with most of them being the age category national teams.

He asserted that the partnership with the KGL Foundation had a strong synergy with the formation of the new age category teams, since products from the KGL U-17 Inter Regional Football Championships would be feeding several of the age category teams.

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