Ghanaian Lady Grabs PhD In Mental Health

Dr. Akosua Joyce Oppong 

US-based medical practitioner, Dr. Akosua Joyce Oppong, has received a PhD award in mental health at the University of Massachusetts, US.

The Advanced Practice Nurse, specialised in psychiatric mental health and emerged as the only graduand of African descent in her batch.

She said in a post graduation interview, “…I feel fulfilled and so excited, having studied so hard and worked with many reputable medical institutions.

“The fact that I am the only black among my white mates gives me some sense of pride and honour. I will strive to render my best shot in my discharge of duty to serve my community and wherever I find myself.”

She praised her tutors and instructors for their high level of professionalism.

The multiple award-winning medical practitioner started in 2005 as a medical surgical nurse, and later moved to ICU Units and Cancer Research Units among others.

By Kofi Aduonum



