GIS, GPHA Bosses Hold Talks

A group photograph after the presentation at Meridian Port Services


The Comptroller-General of Immigration (CGI), Kwame Asuah Takyi (Esq) and some members of the National Immigration Management Committee have paid a visit to the Director-General of Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA), Michael Luguje, to discuss matters of mutual interest to both institutions.

Welcoming the CGI, the Director-General expressed his sincere appreciation for the visit, commending the longstanding positive working relationship between the two institutions.

Mr. Luguje emphasised how this collaborative relationship has significantly contributed to the facilitation of trade at the port.

He also took the opportunity to extend an unreserved apology from the Authority to the Ghana Immigration Service for the unfortunate altercation that occurred between some personnel of the two institutions recently.

He stressed that such an incident should never have occurred, especially considering the strong historical ties with the GIS.

Furthermore, he expressed gratitude for the Immigration Service’s acceptance of the Authority’s peace settlement and disclosed that the staff involved are undergoing internal disciplinary procedures as a deterrent to forestall future occurrences.

The CGI nostalgically reflected on his previous tenure as a Legal Assistant at the GPHA from 1992 to 1998, and condemned the regrettable altercation as highly inappropriate. He said such behaviours should not be countenanced among institutions that are supposed to work together for Ghana’s peace and development.

Mr. Takyi therefore called for greater collaboration at all levels, expressing hope that such an incident would not recur in the future.

The CGI was accompanied by Deputy Comptroller-General, Operations and Command Post (DCG/OPS), Mr. Laud O. Affrifah; the Tema Regional Commander of GIS, Deputy Commissioner of Immigration (DCOI) Beatrice Okpoti; her Deputy, Assistant Commissioner of Immigration (ACI) Martin Dordzie; Chief Staff Officer (CSO), Assistant Commissioner of Immigration (ACI) Emmanuel Ashley, and other officers from the Immigration National Headquarters.

In a related development, the CGI and his team, accompanied by the Director General of GPHA visited the Chief Executive Officer of Meridian Port Services, Mr. Muhammed Samara, where a comprehensive presentation was made on the activities of the Meridian Port Services and where GIS expertise will be highly needed and appreciated. The courtesy visit ended with a tour of the port.


A Daily Guide Report