Govt Has Been Resolute In Galamsey Fight – Ahiagbah

Richard Ahiagbah


The Director of Communications for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Richard Ahiagbah says in spite of the interests of people in the fight against illegal mining, popularly called ‘galamsey’, the government has been resolute in dealing with the menace.

Speaking on Joy FM‘s current affairs and news analysis programme ‘Newsfile’ on Saturday, he said it is a lucrative venture where people would always want to find opportunities to counter government policy aimed at regulating and protecting the collective good of society.

“The challenge remains that the pursuit of that venture being profitable makes people find their way in there. The effort to fight galamsey has been resolute and has been done. The challenge we are having is people’s interest,” he pointed out.

According to Mr. Ahiagbah, illegal mining has attained a certain scale that is threatening the environment, especially at a time when environmental conversations has heightened.

He also mentioned that illegal small-scale mining has been in existence before independence, but discussions around it has increased as a result of global interest on environmental issues.

Touching on President Akufo-Addo’s efforts in the fight against illegal mining, he said, “The President has done everything to support media partners, advocates and civil society organisations who want to fight it, everything policy-wise that ought to be done has been done to fight this.”

“There is no silver bullet on what to do about it, but one thing I am clear about in my head is the unimpeachable commitment of the President towards the fight. He has been clear from day one. He wanted to fight it and he is focused on it,” he added.


By Ebenezer K. Amponsah