Guinness Ghana Trains Police

A section of MTTD personnel at the Workshop in Accra 

Over 150 personnel from the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service in the Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions have received training on road safety management and regulations covering drinking and driving at workshops held by Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited (GGBL) in collaboration with the National Road Safety Commission (NRSC).

The two-day workshops, held in Accra and Kumasi, were in line with the beverage business’ agenda to create a positive role for alcohol in society through partnerships which impact misuse of alcohol, while contributing to the UN-SDG target 3.6, which focuses on halving the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.

Speaking on the rationale for the workshop, Gabriel Opoku-Asare, Corporate Relations Director, said GGBL has over the years developed partnerships with the police, local authorities and other agencies that support road safety and enforcement, adding, “By this workshop we seek to highlight the need for strict enforcement of the alcohol limits in Ghana so as to mitigate the occurrence of road traffic accidents and injuries.”

“Our purpose as a business is to help people celebrate life, every day, everywhere and by that we want to ensure that people are being responsible when they drink, especially when they are going to drive,” he stated.

ACP Anderson Fosu-Ackaah, Greater Accra Regional Commander of the MTTD, commended Guinness Ghana for organizing the workshop.

Since 2013, GGBL has trained over 20,000 commercial drivers on the dangers of drink driving in over 12 transport terminals across the country, along with over 6,000 students as part of its Leadership in Alcohol in Society initiatives.

