Guru Reinstated In University Of Ghana SRC Presidential Race

The Judicial Board of the University of Ghana Students’ Representative Council (SRC) has ruled in favour of rapper Maradona Adjei Yeboah, popularly known as Guru, reinstating him in the 2024 SRC presidential election.

This decision overturns the SRC Vetting Committee’s earlier disqualification of the rapper based on his non-residential status.

The board’s ruling pointed out that the Vetting Committee’s interpretation of Article 30(1)(a) of the UGSRC Constitution was flawed and beyond its jurisdiction.

After a thorough review, the Judicial Board deemed the disqualification unjustified.

“Having carefully considered the submissions of both parties and examined the relevant provisions of the SRC Constitution, the Court finds merit in the Applicant’s arguments,” the ruling stated.

The court further criticized the Vetting Committee’s interpretation of the constitution as lacking a reasonable basis and granted Guru relief.

Guru now has his presidential bid revived with this ruling.