Haughtiness, Arrogance Personified (1)

Sammy Gyamfi


Every era throws up its characters. Some can be a comic or clown while others are the “eyes and ears” of the society.

These are also known as the shakers and movers of our society. The NDC, quite characteristic of itself, since its arrival on the political scene as an offshoot of the violent PNDC, has altered the course of civil discourse in our country.

A character like Sammy Gyamfi, who doubles as the NDC’s Communications Officer lacks basic etiquette and therefore speaks to people the age of his grandparents as if they are coevals.

There are many accomplished Ghanaians in politics, academia, business and media who by all estimation Sammy Gyamfi like the accounts of the Scriptures, “someone stronger than I am is coming after me, the lace of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.”

We have always wondered why the NDC would always rely on its Communications Officer to deliver its important messages to the people. The message, we are told, is as important as the messenger.

It will be unfair to lump all leaders of the NDC as haughty. One may not like the NDC but many Ghanaians love to hate Haruna Idrissu, immediate past Minority Leader. He is a good communicator who respects others even if he tries to expose people’s elementary logic.

On the contrary, Sammy Gyamfi is arrogant, haughty and disrespectful. Some of our cherished readers may want to know why the focus on Sammy Gyamfi today.

First of all we admonish those who live in glass houses not to throw stones. We do not easily forget like his master John Mahama alluded to a few years ago that Ghanaians are forgetful.

We in a media house reject that “forgetful illness” John Mahama wants to impose on us. Since we are not suffering from the “John Mahama disease of forgetfulness,” we are in a position to remind Sammy Gyamfi of his threat to Military Generals during the run-up to the 2020 general election.

He said at a press conference at the party headquarters that, police officers and military officers are making their career contentious with that of President Akufo-Addo’s.

The day President Akufo-Addo exits office will be the last day they will serve as policemen and military men, and they will be dealt with mercilessly. During that same period, he took to social media to reiterate his threat thus, “Notice is here served to all unscrupulous Security Officials who have lent themselves to the despotic Akufo-Addo as pliant agents of violence against innocent citizens, that the next NDC government will fish them out and deal with them mercilessly when power eventually shifts.”

We have always asked ourselves whether John Mahama, a professional media person and communicator, endorsed these wild proclamations by his spokesperson.

As we raise these issues here, we are yet to read anywhere that John Mahama has called out Sammy Gyamfi for this dangerous position of the NDC.

Behaving like there are no elders, the NDC during the run-up to Election 2024 has given Sammy Gyamfi autonomy to do what he pleases without the leadership calling him to order.

Sammy Gyamfi, if you care to know, those generals you threatened in 2020 are still at post and are awaiting another bout of lame attacks on them.

