Hopeson Adorye Supports 250 Artisans, Beauticians

Hopeson Adorye presenting the items to the beneficiaries.

THE PARLIAMENTARY Candidate of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Kpone-Katamansu Constituency of the Greater Accra, Hopeson Yaovi Adorye, has presented working tools to some 250 artisans and beauticians in the area.

The items, including brand new electric sewing machines, hair clippers and hairdryers, were presented to those who had graduated from their apprenticeship programmes.

Presenting the items to beneficiaries drawn from the constituency, Mr. Adorye said he wanted to boost the vocation of artisans and beauticians to become self-reliant and be able to employ others.

He said he was determined to invest in employable skills, which was the surest way to fight youth unemployment in the country.

He believes that unemployed youth who availed themselves for employable skills training, either formal or informal, could easily fetch themselves jobs in the long-term.

Mr. Adorye was optimistic that the tools would enhance the livelihoods of the beneficiaries and advised them to handle them with care and for the benefit of society.

He was optimistic of wresting power for the NPP from NDC next Monday, urging electorate in the constituency to give him and President Akufo-Addo their votes for better living conditions.

The beneficiaries were grateful for the support and promised to put it into good use to better their living conditions.


FROM Vincent Kubi, Kpone