I Was Not At NDC Rally – Lucky Mensah

Ghanaian highlife musician, Lucky Mensah, has denied media reports he attended the National Democratic Congress’ (NDC) manifesto launch at Sunyani over the weekend.

“I was in bed when I started to receive phone calls from several persons on Saturday afternoon that some radio stations in Accra and Kumasi were reporting a news item that I have been seen at the NDC rally in Kumasi. That is a big lie. How can I be on my bed in Accra and be seen at a rally in Sunyani at the same time?

“Some were even saying I have collected money from the NDC and so I have gone to the rally. It is not true and I want to clear the air and tell Ghanaians that I cannot do anything to support the NDC in this election when I am the very person asking Ghanaians to vote or the NPP,” Lucky Mensah told NEWS-ONE.

The musician recently declared his support for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and even released a campaign song which asked Ghanaians to vote for Nana Akufo Addo, the party’s presidential candidate for the December 2016 polls.

The popular highlife singer, obviously not happy about the reports that he had been spotted at an NDC rally, had to a shoot video of himself in Accra and circulate it on social media Saturday afternoon to dispel the reports.


Lucky Mensah self-sponsored the campaign song and music video in which he called on Ghanaians to vote for the NPP and about two weeks ago, he paid a visit to the residence of the NPP flagbearer to present to him a copy of the song as well as the song’s video.

“I am part of the many Ghanaians who have realised we made a mistake in the past by campaigning for the wrong people to win electoral victory. The current mismanagement and galore of failed electoral promises is evident that we need to change the leadership of this country and give it back to the NPP to continue the good works of President Kufuor and I am prepared to campaign for the NPP with my song, campaign in my own small corner and also campaign on the party’s big stages if I am given the opportunity but even before the party accepts my application, I am already campaigning for the NPP,” Lucky Mensah stated when he met Nana Addo.

“Times are hard and apart from the few people who are near the big people in government, the rest of us are suffering painfully. Businesses are suffering, the promise by President Mahama to build 200 schools across the country has turned out to be fake, the cost of doing business is so high no one can make any meaningful profit, taxes are too high for the average Ghanaian and electricity cost is too high and sometimes even higher than the cost of rent and I would be a hypocrite if I keep quiet and pretend things are all right. My song is to encourage Ghanaians to vote against hardship, vote against dumsor and vote against a government that does not care about the sufferings of Ghanaians,” Lucky Mensah told NEWS-ONE.