I Would Choose America Over My mother Or Wife, Even On Their Deathbeds – Man reveals


In a shocking revelation, US-based Ghanaian Bismark Opoku disclosed that he would choose America over his mother or wife, even if they were on their deathbeds.

In an interview with SVTV AFRICA’s DJ Nyaami, Bismark explained that the benefits he has received since he fell ill are worth more than seeing his mother if it meant he could not return to the US again.

Bismark further went on to say that the US has been so beneficial to him that he would sell his mother for America if that were his only alternative. “I don’t know what country to compare America to. If I’m given the option to come to Ghana to save my mom’s life but never return to America, I’ll let her die. If I have to sell my mom to travel to America, I’ll do it. I often tell my wife I’ll choose America over her any day,” he revealed.

Bismark’s benefits include someone to come and cook, clean, and wash his clothes, $100 for food weekly, and $1400 monthly for upkeep. The government has also offered to bring his groceries three times a week. All these benefits come from the taxes and insurance he pays the government.

Mr. Opoku served in the US Army but retired due to health issues. His wife is currently in Ghana, hoping to join him soon. His statements have caused quite a stir on social media, with many users condemning his views.

However, Bismark remains steadfast in his belief that America is the best place for him and his family.
