Instil Islamic Faith In Kids – Parents Urged

A participant displaying his certificate as some of the organisers look on


Muslims across the country, especially parents, have been urged to continuously instil the teachings of Islam in children to enable them uphold the tenets of the Islamic faith.

Speaking in an interview with Omar Zowk, Director of Jil Al Qu’ran, to a section of journalists at a fanfare to mark the celebration of the annual Eid-Ul-Ftr celebration held at the National Mosque in Accra, he said instilling Islamic teachings in children is an obligation required of Muslims by God.

“This programme offers an opportunity for children to learn the Islamic culture, and teachings of Islam, Muslim morals, and an opportunity for parents to also observe what they need to ensure their children learn,” he stated.

According to him, the children would be offered ICT training as part of a project aimed to equip them with ICT, at the National Mosque.

Alhaji Jabir, Head of Programmes and Marketing at the National Mosque, for his part, said the fanfare afforded an opportunity to bring all Muslims together “irrespective of sects, we are one as far as Islam is concerned, there is no black or white colour in the eyes of the Almighty God.”

A representative of the Qatar Charity Foundation, Isma-il Sualah Laari, said the foundation hopes to equally support Muslim children, especially the less privileged in society.

Children who participated in various activities such as Adhan (call to prayer), recitation of the Holy Qur’an were presented with cash prizes and certificates.

The fanfare, which was organised by National Mosque, Qatar Charity Foundation and Jil Al Qu’ran brought together over 3,000 Muslim children.

By Ebenezer K. Amponsah
