Jakpa Sacked From Ghana Armed Forces For Exam Failure

Richard Jakpa


Richard Jakpa, a businessman entangled in a high-stakes legal saga with the Minority Leader, Ato Forson over an alleged financial loss to the state, found himself basking in a moment of amusement during a cross-examination on Tuesday June 18, 2024 at the resumed hearing of the high profile case.

The narrative took a whimsical turn as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Yvonne Atakora Obuobisa raised the issue of Jakpa’s ignominious exit from the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) in 2007 due to alleged failure in promotional exams after seven years attempts.

The Peculiar Courtroom Interlude

Amidst the scrutiny, Jakpa embarked on an extensive monologue delving into interesting details about his family background, military accession journey, and even voyages to Pennsylvania for private investigation studies, which he meticulously defended as a testament to his professional acumen.
The moment of comic relief sets in as Jakpa amused the court with tales of espionage exams and a dazzling average score of 97.8 across 25 grueling assessments.

The unexpected glee among attendees, including a court clerk who momentarily abandoned note-taking to revel in the theatrical disclosure, prompted an intervention from DPP Obuobisa, citing the prolonged digression and urging Jakpa to render a succinct response to the interrogation regarding his educational prowess or lack thereof.

Navigating the Legal Mire

Impassioned by defense counsel Thaddeus Sory’s advocacy for Jakpa’s right to elaborate in context, the accused persisted in shedding light on his military exit rationale.
Despite several interjections and time constraints courtesy of a six-hour cross-examination window, Jakpa doggedly wove through his examination narrative, undeterred by calls for conciseness.

Jakpa’s subsequent response turned heads and drew chuckles within the courtroom as he finally admitted that he was released from the Ghana Armed Forces, attributing it to victimisation and not because he could not pass his exams.

The underlying legal crucible stems from allegations of partnership with the Minority Leader in inflicting €2.37 million financial injury on state coffers in an ambitious ambulance procurement scheme dating back to 2014-2016.
Dr. Forson and Jakpa plead not guilty to counts revolving around willful financial depletion, public procurement infractions, and misallocation of resources vis-à-vis an audacious ambulance acquisition blueprint.

Combatting accusations of sham ambulances and fiscal transgressions, the duo stand at the nexus of a contentious legal entanglement that scrutinizes their dealings with Big Sea General Trading Limited, the firm entangled in supplying the embattled fleet.

Ambulance Affair Unveiled

The origin tale traces back to President Prof. John Evans Atta Mills’ 2009 promise of bolstering the National Ambulance Service, with Jakpa sashaying into the Ministry of Health’s corridor brokered by Stanbic Bank funding pledges.

Parliament greenlit the financing accord, paving the way for disputed acquisitions under shady procurement practices, as outlined in the Attorney-General’s indictment dossier.

By Vincent Kubi