In a heartbreaking turn of events, Ayawaso West Wuogon MP-elect John Dumelo has announced the passing of his father, Engineer John William Kudzo Anato-Dumelo Snr, just days before his swearing-in ceremony.
John Dumelo’s father was 75 years old.
According to Dumelo’s emotional Facebook post, his father’s final words to him were to “serve diligently in government”.
The two had spent hours discussing politics, life, farming, and business just hours before his passing.
John Dumelo recounted how his father had called him several times to visit, and they had sat on the bed, talking and even gossiping.
John Dumelo’s loss is a significant blow, especially given the timing.
He is set to be sworn in as the MP for Ayawaso West Wuogon in three days, having won the seat on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).
John Dumelo defeated incumbent Lydia Seyram Alhassan of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) by a margin of 2,200 votes, securing 34,800 votes to Alhassan’s 32,600.
In his tribute, Dumelo expressed gratitude to his father for being his best friend, greatest cheerleader, and unwavering source of support.
He concluded with a poignant farewell, saying, “Say hi to mum for us all….we will miss you. Rest in perfect peace, Engineer John William Kudzo Anato-Dumelo Snr”.
-BY Daniel Bampoe