Keep Lying If You Start With Lies – Minority Leader Tells NDC Communicators

Haruna Iddrisu

MINORITY LEADER, Haruna Iddrisu has charged National Democratic Congress (NDC) Communicators to be consistent with their communication strategy even if it means lying to Ghanaians continuously.

In a voice contained in a purported leaked tape, Mr. Iddrisu is heard complaining bitterly about the lack of consistency in the communication strategy of the NDC.

In his view, that was making NDC Communicators to lose credibility.

It can be recalled that during the celebration of the late South African global icon, Nelson Mandela last year, President Akufo-Addo was invited to South Africa by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Interestingly without proper checks, NDC’s Communicator, Sammy Gyamfi came public to allege that President Akufo-Addo ‘sneaked’ out of Ghana for the trip to South Africa.

He claimed that the President did not inform Parliament about his trip to South Africa in line with the dictate of the Constitution.

It turned out that the President wrote a letter to the Speaker of Parliament Prof. Aaron Mike Ocquaye announcing his departure from the country.

Mr. Gyamfi later came out to apologize for blatantly lying against the President.

But Mr. Iddrisu wants his party’s communicators to maintain such lies going forward.

He told the communicators that “if you lie, you must keep lying,” adding that “consistency is so important”.

If you want to be credible, be consistent, he said, pointing out severe communication flaws within the NDC.

BY Melvin Tarlue
