KNUST VC Gets 2 More Years

Prof. (Mrs.) Rita Akosua Dickson


THE MANDATE of the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Prof. (Mrs.) Rita Akosua Dickson, has been renewed for two years.

The Council of the university during its 282nd (Regular) meeting, held on Thursday, June 20, 2024, approved the recommendations of the committee set up by the Council to evaluate the application for renewal of appointment of the VC for a second term of two years.

Following this decision of the Council of the university, Prof. (Mrs.) Rita Akosua Dickson’s two-year term is expected to officially commence from August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2026.

An official notice of her renewal of appointment as VC was authored and signed by A.K. Boateng, KNUST Registrar/Secretary to the Council on June 20, 2024 with the headline ‘Renewal of appointment of the Vice-Chancellor’.

It read, “It is announced for the information of Members of Staff, Students, the entire University Community and the General Public that the Council of the University at its 282nd (Regular) Meeting held on Thursday, June 20, 2024, approved the recommendations of the committee set up by the Council to evaluate the application for renewal of appointment of the Vice-Chancellor for a second term of two (2) years.

“Consequently, the Council has renewed the appointment of Prof. (Mrs.) Rita Akosua Dickson as Vice-Chancellor of KNUST, for another term of two (2) years, effective, August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2026.”

The letter was copied to Chairman of the University Council, Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Finance Officer, Deans, Head of Departments and other major stakeholders in the university.

Meanwhile, Prof. (Mrs.) Rita Akosua Dickson has widely been praised in the university and even beyond for living up to expectations as the KNUST VC during the last four years, therefore the renewal of her mandate for additional two years is not a surprise to many.


The letter for the renewal of appointment for two years


FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi