Kwahu South Benefits From Gov’t Projects

Eric Daffuor. Emmanuel Attah-Ofori and others cutting the tape to commission the new stalls

The Eastern Regional Minister, Eric Kwakye Daffuor and District Chief Executive (DCE) of the Kwahu South, Emmanuel Atta Ofori Snr., have commissioned three government projects in the area.

The projects include 74 stalls at Kwahu Praso, three-unit classroom block at Asakraka and Bepong Senior High Schools (SHSs).

Addressing the chiefs and residents of Kwahu– Praso, the Minister said the government was committed to upgrading markets and trading centres in the rural areas to boost trade and empower people to take advantage of the country’s booming economy.

“When distributing the stalls, don’t play any hide and seek,” he told the local authorities.  “Those who were trading here before the stalls were constructed must get some of them. Don’t give the stores to people who don’t deserve them.”

Mr. Daffuor urged the market women to open bank accounts in order to qualify for loans from financial institutions and government agencies like MASLOC.

Mr. Atta Ofori Snr, on his part, said his outfit was strictly following the president’s directive for assemblies to complete all projects in the region.

“For over 30 years, the people of Praso didn’t have a befitting market and we stepped in to help them,” he said, adding “these are people who play a major role in national development and for that matter, I deemed it fit to use the Assembly’s Common Fund to execute such a project.”

He said the majority of the schools in the district lack infrastructure.

“But we will do our best to collaborate with the government to resolve many of the developmental problems.”

The DCE said some projects are currently under construction and was hopeful by the end of March the contractors would hand them over for commissioning.

Nana Tinkorang Adarkwa III, Chief of Kwahu Praso, expressed gratitude to President Akufo-Addo, for taking steps to develop the rural areas in the country.

He assured the minister that the people would take good care of the market and other projects in the town.

From Daniel Bampoe, Kwahu – Mpreaso
