Kwaw Blay Blasts Ablakwa Over Unfounded Allegations


Kwaw Blay, a director of Spartan Ives Limited and son of former New Patriotic Party (NPP) National Chairman Freddie Blay, has vehemently refuted claims made by MP for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, regarding the illegal land acquisition allegedly belonging to Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra.

Accusations made by Ablakwa suggested that the Blay family sought to unlawfully acquire land belonging to the esteemed hotel.
However, Spartan Ives Limited swiftly responded, denying the allegations and asserting that legal action will be pursued against the MP.

In a statement released, Spartan Ives Limited branded the accusations as “false and baseless”, stressing their confidence in being exonerated from the unfounded claims.

The company addressed the allegations head-on, stating, “Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablawah has falsely alleged on various platforms that we breached the terms of a joint venture agreement we had with the Labadi Beach Hotel in order to encroach and claim ownership of beachfront land belonging to the Labadi Beach Hotel.
“The Honourable Member of Parliament claims we have capitalized on the political connections of our shareholders to gag the Labadi Beach Hotel and other stakeholders.
The Honourable Member of Parliament also insinuates that there is something nefarious
about an unsuccessful bid we put in to acquire a stake in the Labadi Beach Hotel. These
accusations are completely unfounded and misleading.
“As the Honourable Member of Parliament admits, most of the accusations he makes
against us and our sister businesses are currently before the courts. We will not comment on the cases out of respect for the court and our firm belief in the Ghanaian
justice system.”

Moreover, Spartan Ives Limited clarified its stance on the matter, emphasizing that while they are associated with the Polo Beach Club near Labadi Beach Hotel, they have not impeded the hotel’s operations or restricted access to the beachfront land.

Describing the accusations as part of a scheme to besmirch their reputation, Spartan Ives Limited pointed out that most of the claims are subject to ongoing legal proceedings, refraining from further commentary due to respect for the judicial process.

“While it is widely known that Spartan Ives Limited is one of the stakeholders in the Polo
Beach Club located near the Labadi Beach Hotel, Polo Beach Club has neither denied
Labadi Beach Hotel of its access to the breach front nor interfered with the operations of
the Hotel. We have not taken over control of the beachfront land owned by Labadi Beach

“Regrettably, these false and baseless allegations made by Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa on his social media accounts and carried by several media outlets are part of a broader attempt to tarnish our reputation as a business and distract from our continued success. We are confident that the truth will prevail and that our company will be exonerated from these baseless claims.”

The company called on stakeholders and the public not to be misled by baseless allegations and assured their commitment to integrity, transparency, and accountability in delivering services.


By Vincent Kubi